Friday 14 November 2014


Shots used: shot 24, shot 18, shot shot 27, shot 25 and shot 20
The dialogue in this storyboard will be a narrator asking our vox pop questions such as 'How often do you take a selfie? Would you call it an obsession?' and the students' responses such as 'A few times a week' and 'Yeah probably'.

The majority of our vox pops are with students at the Sixth Form College Solihull. This particular vox pop was with a male and a female aged 17 and 18. This means that our vox pops are representative of our target audience as our target audience is both males and females that are teeange/ young adult around the 14-25 age bracket. Having vox pops with students that are the same age as our target audience makes our documentary relatable and  it is more likely that our vox pop participants will answer our questions with similar things to what our audience would have said. As teenagers are our target audience, we chose to have most of our vox pops with teenagers. Adults do take selfies as well, but it could be said that teenagers are in the middle of what is being seen as a sort of selfie 'epidemic' and the negative connotations of selfies are only really associated with young people and that is what we want to get to the bottom of through our documentary so we chose to focus mainly on asking young people as opposed to older people. 


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