Thursday 9 October 2014


When discussing possible experts we tried to think outside the box as when it comes to the selfie, there's no large precedent. We got thinking and thought that selfies are most often taken on mobile phones and so decided we could talk to some mobile phone expert.

We went into our local town centre where all the mobile phone shops are based, and asked around in Apple, Three and Virgin. The answers were all the same, the staff including managers couldn't comment. They were not allowed unless permitted by their head office, despite our documentary  being a student documentary and for non-commercial purposes.

In the end we realised without permission from a head office which would take weeks so, we decided we would look more locally. I then realised I know a boy who is an all round technology expert. This boy is called James Light. We decided to use him as he works for his own company going him a professional title we can use, and being young student he will have fresh information and is relatable to our target audience.

 Below are screen shots of the texts messages sent before the call was made, just to give James a heads up.


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